Our Mission Statement !
"Our mission is to help seniors on fixed incomes navigate their way through a variety of government programmes to obtain the basic necessities of life: shelter, food, & transportation."
Important Notice: The information provided on this website is based solely on our prior senior experience and information gathered from various organizations and government agencies. We do not claim to speak on behalf of these entities, nor do we endorse any of them. Please note that legislation and policies are subject to change and are constantly being updated.
There Are Kind & Generous People Out There Who Are Willing To Help !
General Information Below
Questions About Sackville Food Bank, Call 536-4164
Please Contact Directly
Phone Number: is 536- 4164, Local Sackville Food Bank
Address: 9 Willow Lane
When to call 8-1-1
- You can not reach your doctor or nurse practitioner and need care
- You do not have a doctor or nurse practitioner and need care
- You are not sure if you should go to the emergency department
- You are looking for health services in your community
- You need advice on managing a situation at home (medications, injuries)
Overview: Tele-Care is a free bilingual and confidential provincial health line available to all New Brunswickers. By dialing 8-1-1 at any time of the day or night, you can access staff who will help you assess your situation and access services in your community.
We're helping seniors, their families and caregivers navigate and explore available government programs and services.
Managing Your Financial and Personal Affairs
Optional Forms for New Brunswick’s Enduring Powers of Attorney Act
Disclaimer: Please note that our website contains general information about the law. This is not a complete statement of the law on particular topics. We try to update our publications often, but laws change frequently so it is important for you to check to make sure the information is up to date. The information in our publications is not a substitute for legal advice. To receive legal advice about your specific situation, you need to speak to a lawyer.
Canada, located on the edge of the Tantramar Marshes
Information provided by PLEXITY
History: Sackville was established in 1762 and was part of the British colony of Nova Scotia. The Mi’kmaq settlement, Goesomaligeg, was on Fort Beausejour Ridge and Tatamalg or Tantama, on the Sackville Ridge
Attractions: Sackville is known for its cultural events and festivals, such as SappyFest, Live Bait Theatre, and the Sackville Waterfowl Park
Mount Allison University is also located in Sackville
1. Sackville and Area History
The picturesque Town of Sackville nestled on the edge of the expansive and fertile Tantramar Marshes is one of New Brunswick's oldest communities.
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2. Sackville, New Brunswick
Sackville is a former town in southeastern New Brunswick, Canada. It held town status prior to 2023 and is now part of the town of Tantramar.
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3. Explore Sackville and Atlantic Canada | Mount Allison
Mount Allison is located on Canada's East Coast in picturesque Sackville, New Brunswick. ... Whether you come here from a small town or a big city, you will soon ...
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4. Town of Sackville
Sackville is blessed with an extraordinary range of cultural treats, from original Canadian plays to arts and music festivals; SappyFest, Live Bait Theatre, ...
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5. Welcome to Sackville, New Brunswick | Official Town Website
Tel. (506) 364-4930 | Toll-Free 1-800-249-2020 | Fax (506) 364-4976. Town of Sackville P.O. Box 6191, 31C Main Street, Sackville NB E4L 1G6 Canada.
Who is eligible, Government of CanadaYou may be eligible for the DTC if a medical practitioner certifies that you have a severe and prolonged impairment in 1 of the categories, significant limitations in 2 or more categories, or receive therapy to support a vital function.
Nursing homes invited to be part of new community services for seniors.
New Brunswick and the Public Health Agency of Canada jointly led by the Government of New Brunswick’s Department of Social Development and the Department of Health through the Seniors and Healthy Aging Secretariat.
Horizon offers one-at-a-time therapy or single-session therapy in all four regions we serve.
Single-session services are providing rapid access to needed care and reducing waitlists for mental health care, which is good news for New Brunswick’s children, youth and families.
- Job Postings Below for The Sackville Area
Matching Employers with Employees 50+
Contact - Cherie MacLeod, The Sackville Area
Pairing Retiree Officer / Agent de Jumelage
C: 506-871-8349 / O: 506-777-2256
795 rue Main Street, Suite 300
Moncton, NB - EIC 1E9
Organizations across the province are working in partnership with WorkingNB to pair retirees over 50 who wish to re-enter the labour market and employers looking for short-term labour.
If you’re a retiree wanting to give back to your community, put your experience to use or maybe try something new on a schedule that fits your needs, connect now with your nearest Retiree Employment Agency as listed below. Pairing Officers will work with you to determine the best pairing with businesses in your area.
Additional support will be made available to you, should it be required.
In an effort to support you with your short-term labour needs, this new province- wide initiative was developed as a result of a pilot in the Northwest region. Agency representatives will gather information from you to determine the right talent from retirees that are interested in short-term employment that match the skilled labour force that you need.
For more information and to register for this service, you can find your nearest agency from the list below.
Meals and More
$400 ELIGIBILITY - www2.gnb.ca/content/gnb/en/departments/finance/promo/seniors.html
- Need Help? Convid-19, etc...Call 1-833-733-7835
- A free helpline, Call 211 for New Brunswickers to call when they need help finding supports in their community.
- Public Housing and Rent Supplement Programs( e.g. Seniors). For more information, please contact your local office of the Department of Social Development, Call 1-833-733-7835
The proposed increase will provide Canadians aged 75 and older with up to $729 more each year.
The Government has committed to increase the Old Age Security pension by 10% for seniors aged 75 and over. Will seniors receive an increase in July 2020 as promised?
Increased the GIS top-up for the lowest-income single seniors by up to $947 annually, helping close to 900,000 seniors who rely almost exclusively on the OAS pension and the GIS, and lifted an estimated 57,000 seniors out of poverty (based on the Market Basket Measure)
The Government of New Brunswick has released a vaccine roll out program based on eligibility groups (eg. Age, health care workers, first responders, etc). Eligible recipients can book vaccination appointments at a local pharmacy or the Tantramar Veteran’s Memorial Civic Centre. As of April 12th, the following people are eligible for the vaccine: sackville.com/covid-19/
Senior Navigator | Government of New Brunswick
Soutiens sociaux NB est un site Web convivial où les gens peuvent facilement trouver des renseignements sur les programmes sociaux du Nouveau-Brunswick. Pour l'instant, le site porte essentiellement sur les services offerts par le ministère du Développement social aux personnes âgées, à leurs familles et aux proches aidants.
The Canadian Government, The Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS)
Can also Check Out Video, On this Topic just Click Below
The Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) is a monthly payment you can get if:
- you are 65 or older
- you live in Canada
- you get the Old Age Security (OAS) pension
- your income is below $18,600 if you are single, widowed, or divorced
- your income plus the income of your spouse/common-law partner is below:
- $24,576 if your spouse/common-law partner receives the full OAS pension
- $44,592 if your spouse/common-law partner does not receive an OAS pension
- $44,592 if your spouse/common-law partner receives the Allowance
The Supplement is based on income and is available to low-income Old Age Security pensioners. It is not taxable.
In many cases, we will let you know by letter when you could start receiving the first payment. We will send you this letter the month after you turn 64. In other cases, you may have to apply.
Guaranteed Income Supplement - Overview - Canada.ca
The Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) is a monthly payment you can get if: you are 65 or older you live in Canada you get the Old Age Security (OAS) pension your income is below $18,600 if you are single, widowed, or divorced your income plus the income of your spouse/common-law partner is below: $24,576 if your spouse/common-law partner receives the full OAS pension $44,592 if your spouse/common-law partner does not receive an OAS pension $44,592 if your spouse/common-law partner receives the Allowance The Supplement is based on income and is available to low-income Old Age Security pensioners.
Got a minor health condition that needs attention from a healthcare professional? Why wait at an emergency room or after-hours clinic when your pharmacist may be able to help? https://nbpharma.ca/your-pharmacist-can/6
Supporting Mental Health in Greater Moncton
To the Best of our Knowledge, Sackville Seniors Helping Seniors
This programme main focus seems to be helping individuals with a variety of mental health issues.g. anxiety, depression issues e.g. and variety of mental health issues that may occur because of a variety of situations or reasons.
One would need the forms below to be filled out by someone at Social Assistance, NB or someone at a local hospital first to qualify for this programme.
Many times hospitals will have mental health professionals on staff that fill out these types of forms on a regular basis. Doctors, of course, can help out in these matters as well.
If you have any Questions ???
Feel Free to Contact
Luc Bellefluer at Alternative Residences Alternatives Inc - Community Resource Manager
Phone Number 1(506) 854 7229 Ext. 3
E-mail: [email protected]
100, rue Botsford Street
Moncton, NB EIC 4X3
Copy of Attachments Forms that will need to be Filled Out Below in English and French ***

residential_application_english__1_.pdf | |
File Size: | 442 kb |
File Type: |

residential_application_french.pdf | |
File Size: | 455 kb |
File Type: |
Info Below from FB Page of Alternative Residences Alternatives Inc.
"To provide a continuum of community-based housing and support services, with a recovery-oriented focus, providing individualized and client-centered services by working in collaboration with our partners in the mental health field"
Company Overview
"A.R.A. offers a variety of residential housing, from fully supervised community residences to independent dwelling units that encourage clients to make the transition back to community living."
General Information
"People in the greater Moncton area who are living with a mental illness are housed in a caring and compassionate setting, where they can experience an improved quality of life with greater independence."
Nonprofit Organization · Mental Health Service
FB Link - https://www.facebook.com/pg/alternativeresidences/about/?ref=page_internal
Important ! All Information on this Website is based on prior seniors experience and information we have been able to gather from different organizations and government agencies. We don’t speak on behalf of these organizations/ government agencies and we don’t endorse any of
them. Legislation and policies are also constantly being updated. If you need to clarify something you always want to go straight to the source
of that organization or government agency.
Calendar Events for The Town Sackville,NB
& Daybreak & Mount Allison University
Monthly Newsletter - Town of Sackville
The Town of Sackville strives to provide up-to-date communications to our residents. Below is a list of our monthly newsletter publications. 2019 March 2019 February 2019 January 2019 2018 December ...
DAYBREAK, Sackville NB. Activity Centre
Daybreak mental health support Sackville NB
them. Legislation and policies are also constantly being updated. If you need to clarify something you always want to go straight to the source
of that organization or government agency.
Meals for Seniors | The United Church Home For Senior Citizens, Inc.
The nutritionally-balanced meals are prepared at the Drew under the supervision of our food service manager/dietician. A meal includes one portion of fish or meat; vegetables; soup or salad; bread, biscuit or roll; and dessert. Special diets and client preferences are respected.
"community-based group of older adults and measured social activity levels and their disability levels—in terms of their ability to care for themselves. Those with more frequent social activity maintained lower levels of disability in several areas, suggesting that they would be able to live independently longer than their less social counterparts." Connecting With Community Services - http://www2.gnb.ca/content/gnb/en/departments/social_development/promos/home_first/connecting.html
How Finland solved homelessness | Interview: Juha Kaakinen
This week's report by EU housing organisation Feantsa has found every country in the EU in the midst of a crisis of homelessness and housing exclusion - with one exception: Finland. So how has the country done it?
Greater Moncton Homelessness Steering Committee - Greater Moncton Homelessness Steering Committee
The Greater Moncton Homelessness Steering Committee was established in 2000 to bring together agencies that work with the homeless and those at-risk, and to put the issue on the public agenda. This year, we are working with all levels of government on a "housing first" strategy that meets the needs of our province's most vulnerable citizens.
Canada's first veterans village of tiny homes goes into production
Calgary's Homes for Heroes Foundation is moving forward on a project to offer affordable housing to homeless veterans in a unique community. "We're guessing there's between 250-300 homeless veterans in Calgary," Mustard Seed CEO Stephen Wile said on Monday. "One of the issues around self-disclosure is often that feeling of shame.